Some of the more interesting activities that we've done as a family include what we affectionately call PBJ trips. These
may be day trips, or a weekend, or even a week on the road visiting some quaint place we just want to see, but they have one
thing in common. Each trip is punctuated by educational opportunity.
Academics at Buchanan
Serious learning does take place at some point in our educational careers. But it isn't the same as it would be in public
First we concentrate on hands on learning, which is part of the process of playtime/worktime/helptime. Mom really enforces
the three part project style learning. We spend some time playing, some time working, and lots of time helping others. It's
a good thing, because everyone needs help at some point in time, and we help others, because when we need help, we don't want
to be owing someone else help they needed first.
Second, as we get older, we begin to concentrate on the academics part of education. As we begin to focus on reading,
the play time begins to make sense. The praying mantis on the leaves of the trees become real in the book, because we played
with so many of them and know exactly what they are and why they are part of our world.
Some people call what we do "unschooling" and others call it by a different name, we just call it Good ole Buchanan
Academy learnin'!
Four Friends in Autumn
Autumn Is for Apples
Community Helps Program
Experiencing the needs of others is an opportunity in education. By moving into the circle of life as an active participant,
each individual is able to claim their portion of opportunity and set asside risk as a non-negotiative with each activity
set into an ultimate plan within the scope of education.
Each child has individual interests that may be developed into a real life activity. Tatia is primarily interested in
young/early child develoment and has indicated an interest in opening a daycare at some point. Her current studies include
opportunities available to that industry and studies relating to early child care.
Clifford's First Autumn
I Know It's Autumn
Family Life Program
The most intense education we get as a family is just exactly that - family education. We learn how to be family. We learn
the methods of communication and understanding that work best in each of our lives, and how to put those methods into practice.
Everybody has their moments, sometimes mom screams, or sometimes we cry, sometimes we laugh until tears fall, but all
the time there is love. We know that Mom loves us and we love her. That's the best part of family life.
It isn't always easy being a member of a single parent family, because sometimes the budget is limited and we don't have
everything we want. Mom makes sure all our needs are covered, and we budget for all the other things. We work together to
accomplish whatever we need to do to keep life going. We have all the love we need, and the rest comes from God's provision.
It's important that everyone know that God is their provider!
America the Beautiful: A Pop-up Book
It's Hard to Be Five: Learning How to Work My Control Panel