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Seasonal Projects

Kids Journals
Saturday, 30 October 2004
Winter Blogging
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Autumn song...
Topic: Seasonal Projects

Autumn is a time for reflection and regrouping for the cool weather and family times to come, and we have been thinking a lot about those times recently.

Looking back over the years I've spent home schooling, one of the more important aspects of it has been my ability to maintain a strongly positive outlook, even in the face of dire situations, that I couldn't change. That came as a shock when my husband left, and I realized I'd be homeschooling and raising four children alone. The real shock was when I had worked for a few weeks toward that general direction and realized that nothing had changed. My ex hadn't been enough a part of our lives to make a difference prior to leaving, so his absence didn't actually change much.

As I began to focus on the events of our lives and continue in the leadership role that I then realized I'd been fulfilling for a long time, our lives began to change. We lived in the same house, and we didn't have any real major changes, but we changed. We began to seek the positive in our lives, and let go of the negative. We began to enjoy our lives, no longer dreading the temperamental returning father, who didn't actually add anything to our lives, and who actually took away from what we'd had before. We began to live valiently, enjoying each day as it came.

What changed most dramatically was our freedom to do what we chose, without fear of consequences from the non-participating parent. We traveled some, throughout our state, in neighboring states, exploring our world, and our history. We began to expand our awareness and search out adventures that taught us about life around us.

We visited the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, the Missouri River Crossing (where homesteaders crossed with their Conastoga Wagons), Zoos in various areas, and other sights that provide a valuable source of education. We had fun. The most important part of our time together during the past few years, has actually been the ability to grow together, be a family, and learn to love and live well.

So, what does the future hold? Oh, far more of the same. We have plans to build stronger more accomplished dreams and live fulfilling lives that provide meaning and an ability to share with each other. It is our pleasure to step each day toward those goals.


Posted by nbn.tabrenn at 3:22 PM EDT
Saturday, 10 January 2004
Welcome to Blogging...
As the mom of four incredibly astute home schoolers, and owner of this blog - I want to encourage you to post your thoughts and ideas here for sharing with other home schoolers, family and friends.

Feel free to share the site address with family and friends. We have lots of ideas to share.


Posted by nbn.tabrenn at 3:00 PM EST
No comment!

Publicity is correlative to your position in the community. Seldom does the quiet worker, without incident become published in local news or publications. Though his achievements are many and great, he accomplishes great things in his lifetime, his quiet fortitude and persistence are rarely recognized as important or document worthy.
So, what makes a person worthy of comment? Worthy of being heard in a society such as ours? Is it his life? That he has something of grave importance to express? Or that his knowledge is vastly improved over that of the `average' person?
While it may be fortunate that everyone with a `word' to express is not heard, and there may actually be some benefit to censored press, it is my honest opinion that those who find it necessary to control the knowledge available to the public are creating a disservice to the general people of our nation.
Let's hear it for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Be published!

Posted by nbn.tabrenn at 2:57 PM EST

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